Castell Aberystwyth yn 1289/ Aberystwyth castle in 1289
A long-established Society whose AIMS are:-
- To promote civic pride.
- To try and ensure the preservation, improvement, and development of any features of public amenity or historical interest, in the area..
- To encourage high standards of planning and architecture.
- To enable local people to reach a better-informed view of any proposals of consequence affecting the area.
The WAYS in which we endeavour to achieve our Aims are:-
- Holding regular public meetings with knowledgeable speakers, on a variety of subjects, which are open to all.
- Publicising the society's Annual Programme through this website, the press, and distribution of posters and leaflets.
- Extending a warm welcome to all who wish to join the Society and support its activities.
- Marking notable buildings in the area or those with significant historical associations by the erection of plaques.
- Commenting on relevant planning and other proposals and expressing the Society's views to the Local Planning Authority.